About Me

Hello! My name is Manuel Benancio, although most people call me Kembec, a nickname derived from my full name. I hail from Peru, a vibrant Latin American country rich in culture, traditions, and delicious food. With over 10 years of experience in programming, I've seen the evolution of technology firsthand and have been fortunate to grow alongside it.

My journey into the world of programming began in 2008. As a young child, I started experimenting with Flash CS3 (ActionScript). These early experiments sparked a passion for technology that has guided my career ever since. Eventually, I delved into learning PHP, MySQL, and Apache, which helped me create static websites initially and later online forums using phpBB and vBulletin. Along the way, I also explored popular content management systems like WordPress and Joomla, which broadened my understanding of dynamic web development. These projects laid the foundation for my programming skills and I remember how fun they were.

In 2014, I transitioned into marketing. At that time in my country, it wasn't really viable to pursue a career as a programmer, and related fields didn't fully develop this activity. However, my programming experience allowed me to optimize and automate business processes, blending technology with business strategy. This shift expanded my professional skills and gave me a broader perspective on innovative, market-oriented technological solutions. Around this time, I also started working as a freelance programmer, which allowed me to work on many projects, many of them quite enjoyable, helping me keep my programming skills sharp and continually learning.

By 2017, frontend development had captured my interest. Many JavaScript frameworks were gaining traction, and jQuery was becoming outdated. It was an exciting time as Angular and React were making waves in the developer community. I immersed myself in these modern frameworks, but it was Vue.js that truly resonated with me due to its simplicity and flexibility. The shift to these frameworks marked a significant evolution in how we approached web development, focusing on component-based architectures and reactive programming.

Around this time, I also began to incorporate TypeScript into my workflow, enhancing the robustness and maintainability of my projects. TypeScript added a layer of reliability and clarity, making it easier to manage large codebases and reduce runtime errors. On the backend, I expanded my expertise with Node.js, Express.js, and later Nest.js, ensuring a comprehensive skill set that adapted to the evolving technological landscape. This period was marked by a continuous learning curve, as I sought to integrate these tools to build more scalable and maintainable applications.

In 2018, this journey led me to co-found Syma.pe, a startup focused on POS systems and electronic invoicing. As the CTO, I was responsible for guiding our technical vision and strategies. We aimed to create a solution that would simplify the complex process of electronic invoicing and provide robust POS systems for businesses. Our small but dedicated team worked tirelessly, blending innovation with practical solutions to meet the needs of our clients. This hands-on experience not only honed my technical skills but also deepened my understanding of market demands and business operations.

The venture with Syma.pe was a period of significant growth and learning. We faced numerous challenges, from technical hurdles to market competition, but each obstacle was an opportunity to innovate and improve. In 2023, our hard work paid off when we successfully sold our intellectual property. This milestone was a testament to our team's perseverance and the solid foundation we had built. It underscored the importance of integrating advanced technology with strategic business insights, and it reinforced my belief in the power of collaboration and continuous learning.

Since 2024, I've dedicated myself to the fascinating world of DevOps. I love the idea of blending operations and development to create something truly complete. Understanding every stage of the development process has become a passion, making my work feel whole and meaningful.

Looking back, it's incredible to see how much both technology and I have grown. From my early days tinkering with ActionScript to navigating today’s intricate architectures, every bit of code has been part of an exciting journey. One thing I've learned is that you can never stop learning. Every project, every challenge, offers a chance to grow and get better.

This industry is always throwing new knowledge and challenges my way, and I thrive on that. As long as there are problems to solve, I'll be there, fueled by the same enthusiasm and curiosity that got me started. My journey in tech is far from over, and I'm eager to see where it takes me next.

Throughout these stages, I have acquired many skills, including:

Frontend Development:

Backend Development:

DevOps and Cloud:

In my professional adventures, I've configured and maintained Nginx and Apache servers, and utilized Docker and Kubernetes to build robust, scalable applications. I've also explored various cloud platforms like Linode, Azure, AWS, and more recently, Cloudflare. These experiences have significantly enhanced the quality of my applications and allowed me to use tools like workers to manage additional services efficiently.

Best Practices:

One key insight I've gained through all my projects is the importance of a solid architecture in software development. Embracing principles like SOLID and design patterns has been crucial. These approaches not only improve the structure and clarity of the code but also allow for evolution and adaptation, leading to a superior product. Moreover, clean architectures foster framework independence, meaning that our technological choices can evolve without requiring a complete system overhaul.

My latest works

Software Development and Advertising Consultant Grupo Anta

2020 2024

As a consultant at Grupo Anta, I played a key role in helping Latin American companies evolve in the digital era. My focus was on facilitating the transition from traditional operations to innovative practices, positioning them to lead in their respective fields. I actively contributed to the development and integration of new technological solutions and digital marketing strategies, ensuring that our clients not only adapted but also thrived in the changing digital landscape.

CTO & Co-Founder Syma.pe

2018 2023

In my role as CTO and co-founder of Syma.pe, I led the development of the product and innovation strategy, which significantly expanded my leadership and team management skills. In addition to my technical responsibilities, I took on strategic leadership roles, managing essential aspects of the business. This entrepreneurial journey successfully culminated in the sale of the software's intellectual property, marking a milestone in my career and reinforcing my experience in driving and scaling tech startups.

Freelancer Kembec

2014 Present

The flexibility of being a freelancer has been one of the most enriching facets of my career. Over the years, this arrangement has allowed me to explore a variety of projects and technologies, keeping me constantly updated and engaged. Freelancing offers a refreshing balance and diversity that revitalizes my passion for technology, allowing me to always return with new perspectives and renewed energy to tackle complex challenges.